Let’s Talk Buckthorn
Our second District 4 event brought together area volunteers leading buckthorn removal and restoration efforts.

Cedar Lake and SWLRT
Cedar Lake area residents have been impacted by the Southwest Light Rail Transit project for several years…..
Prioritizing Trees
We lost this ancient tree (over 250 years old!) in Loring Park earlier this year…

2023 Budget Add
Look carefully to the left of the path at the mass of bright green young buckthorn and the different look on the right side…….

4 Bus Stops and 3 Parks
In early September, the board was presented a resolution approving Metro Transit’s use of parkland….

SWLRT and Channel Walls
SWLRT closes channel between Lake of the Isles and Cedar until spring 2024….

Getting Back to Basics
Solomon Gustavo from the MinnPost interviewed four of my colleagues and myself about our first few months together.

First Elected Action
I received my first email as “commissioner-elect” about two weeks after the election. “There is a dead Canadian goose near the shoreline freezing into the ice and I am concerned that it will stay there all winter. Can you help?”

Giving back. Joy. The next generation.
Seeing Hallie today at the opening day celebration for the Seven Pools felt like coming full circle.