4 Bus Stops and 3 Parks

In early September, the board was presented a resolution approving Metro Transit’s use of parkland (and right of way next to parkland) to construct four new E Line bus stops by Gateway Park, Tower Hill Park and two stops for north/south bound buses on the south side of Bde Maka Ska (Richfield Road and East Bde Maka Ska Parkway).  In reading through the proposal, I thought there were some gaps and unanswered questions. One of my primary concerns included potential negative impact of electronic transit signs on birds and wildlife near William Berry Woods. Other issues centered around storm water management given the large concrete additions at the Bde Maka Ska stops and if the stop at Gateway Park would conflict with MPRB’s developed masterplans. 

Even though I support public transportation efforts such as the new E Line stops, I asked to delay the vote until we could get some of these questions answered. As park commissioner, my priorities are always based on what is best for our parks. By delaying the vote (two months it turned out), the park staff had time to address these questions with Metro Transit and resolve these issues, adding special concessions for parkland into the resolution agreement. These included implementing a new electronic sign design to reduce impact on wildlife, minimizing impervious surface, and accommodating additional green infrastructure including tree trenches, bio-retention basins and rain gardens. Park staff with Metro Transit also added design considerations for all four stops including an assessment of water runoff and consideration of important views to and through parkland. Full detail of negotiated amendments can be found underlined in Resolution 2022-252.

By asking questions, staying focused on my priorities as park commissioner and partnering with our park staff, together we improved Metro Transit’s E Line bus stop proposal to all our benefit.


Details Matter


SWLRT and Channel Walls